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·壮丽三峡(Marvelous Three Gorges) ·重庆·城市之路(Chongqing Journey of the City) ·远古巴渝(Ancient Ba-Yu) ·抗战岁月(Chinese People"s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression)·历代钱币(Coins of All Previous Dynasties)·汉代雕塑艺术(Sculpture Arts of the Han Dynasty)·西南民族民俗风情(Folk-Customs of the China Southwestern Minorities)·历代瓷器(Porcelains of All Previous Dynasties)·景仁怀德—一李初梨刘钧捐赠文物展(The Great Benevolence And Virtue——The Cultural Relics Donated By Li Chuli & Liu Jun) ·馆藏书画展(Ancient and Modern Chinese Paintings andCalligraphy Works) | 中/英文 100元/厅,2厅起/30人内 押金 300元 (所有设备均收押金,无论人数多少) 语种 汉语 英语 日语 韩语 法语 西班牙语 | 讲解时长25分钟/厅Duration :25mins/1 Exhibition专业设备讲解员和观众佩戴无干扰蓝牙讲解器Docents and audiences wearlnterference-free Bluetooth speakers讲解暂停派出时段Docent tours are not available between11 :30 AM-1: 00 PM4:30 PM -5:00 PM |
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·壮丽三峡(Marvelous Three Gorges)· 重庆·城市之路(Chongqing Journey of the City)· 远古巴渝(Ancient Ba-Yu)· 抗战岁月(Chinese People"s War of Resistance against JapaneseAggression)·历代钱币(Coins ofAll Previous Dynasties)·汉代雕塑艺术(Sculpture Arts of the Han Dynasty)·西南民族民俗风情(Folk-Customs of the China Southwestern Minorities)·历代瓷器(Porcelains ofAll Previous Dynasties)·景仁怀德—一李初梨刘钧捐赠文物展(The Great Benevolence And Virtue——The Cultural Relics Donated By Li Chuli & Liu Jun) ·馆藏书画展(Ancient and Modern Chinese Paintings and Calligraphyworks)·荷兰高罗佩家族捐赠高罗佩私人收藏文物展Exhibition of the Private Collections of Robert Hams VanGulik (Gao Luopei,1910-1967) Donated by the Van GulikFamily | 租金 20元/台 Rental Fee¥ 20/Each 押金 100元/台Deposit¥100/Each | 专业设备感应式蓝牙耳机(限当日使用)Professional DeviceBluetooth Audio Guide租借流程请出示有效证件办理RemarksPresent yourID or Passport |
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· 壮丽三峡 ·历代钱币 ·汉代雕塑艺术 ·西南民族民俗风情 ·历代磁器 ·景仁怀德——李初梨 刘钧捐赠文物展 ·馆藏书画展 ·荷兰高罗佩家族捐赠高罗佩私人收藏文物展部分临展 | 免费 | 关注“重庆中国三峡博物馆”微信公众号,相关安排请参阅官方微信公众号或三楼志愿者公示牌 |